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Doral Dental Studio
  • When All You Want for Christmas is Your Two Front Teeth

    The holiday season is here, bringing for most people a time of family, friends and food. If you have missing teeth, it can be a challenging time of year. Eating some foods is uncomfortable and smiling at those close to you exposes gaps you’d rather keep hidden.

    If all you want for Christmas is a healthy smile, here’s what you need to know.

    Missing Teeth Aren’t Just Cosmetic

    You probably already know what a missing tooth can do to your self-esteem, but you may not be aware of the other dangers involved. When you have an open space in your gums, it provides a place for bacteria to breed.

    The surrounding teeth can keep you from properly cleaning the area, and the gap might hold food particles. Stuck food and bacteria cause you to have bad breath, which doesn’t do anything for your confidence. Nearby teeth can develop cavities, and you’re more susceptible to gum disease.

    When you’re missing teeth, you alter the way you chew to work around that open space. The adjustment can lead to TMJ disorder, causing pain in your jaw, headaches, and difficulty completely opening your mouth. As other teeth shift into the space, your risk of TMJ increases.

    How Dental Implants Help

    Dental implants give you back a tooth permanently. While dentures and other replacement methods still require you to avoid eating certain foods, implants are made from titanium and fused with your own jaw tissue through osseointegration.

    During the procedure, a titanium implant is placed where your tooth used to be. An abutment and the dental prosthetic (crown) attach to the implant. The process creates a solid, durable structure within your jawbone.

    Recovery Expectations

    How long it takes for you to recover depends on how extensive the procedure. Once the osseointegration is complete, your oral surgeon will attach the abutment.

    The recovery process solidifies implant security and provides a tooth. Dental implants look and feel like the rest of your natural teeth, restoring the smile and chewing ability you once had.

    If a new tooth is at the top of your Christmas list, Doral Dental Studio can help. Let us restore your confidence and smile this holiday season. Request your appointment online today.

  • Dental Implants – 7 Interesting Facts You May Not Know

    Getting dental implants can seem a little scary, after all, it’s not something that you’ve experienced before. That’s why finding out more about how dental implants are done, what dental implants cost, and learning some interesting facts along the way, can make you feel more informed and relaxed.

    Naturally, your dentist will be more than happy to talk to you more about your specific situation and what you can expect during the dental implant procedure, but for now, enjoy these interesting facts and learn more about dental implants.

    1.Goodbye Cavities

    Unlike natural teeth, implants don’t decay and it’s impossible to get a cavity. That’s not to say you can stop brushing and flossing your teeth. It’s still important to maintain good oral hygiene as food particles and bacteria need to be brushed away to keep gums healthy. Gum disease is the number one enemy of implants and is the main reason for implant failure.

    2.Dental implants date back to 2000 BC

    Most of us regard implants as a relatively new procedure but early versions of tooth implants were used in ancient China as early as 2000 BC. At this time carved bamboo pegs were used to replace missing teeth.

    A Celtic grave uncovered in France by archaeological excavations found a false tooth made from iron which is thought to have originated from 300 BC approximately. That said, experts think that this was probably hammered into the jaw post mortem for aesthetic reasons because it would have been excruciating to install it during life.

    Dental implants as we know them were first placed in 1965 into the jaw of a human volunteer by an orthopaedic surgeon named Branemark. These implants were still going strong when the patient died some 40 years later.

    3.An implant uses space-age material

    Implants are made from titanium – that’s the same material that is used on spaceship engines. Yep, your implants will be as strong as rockets which go to Mars and beyond. This expensive metal is one of the reasons dental implants cost as much as they do.

    Speaking of dental implants cost, while they may appear initially expensive, they have the potential to last many years. Conversely dentures and bridges need replacing every 5-10 years on average. So in reality, implants are a very cost-effective method of tooth replacement.

    4.Dental implants are artificial tooth roots

    There is a common misconception that implants are the same as dental crowns. In fact, if you’re not sure how dental implants are done, then you may not know that implants consist of 3 parts – the post, an abutment and a dental crown.

    The first stage of the dental implants procedure is for the titanium post to be surgically implanted into the jaw. This is left to fuse with the surrounding bone to become a permanent fixture in the mouth.

    It then acts as an artificial tooth root and continues to stimulate the jaw bone thus preventing the body from resorbing the bone (in a natural process that usually occurs when a tooth is missing). Because of this, the jaw is strengthened, and a person retains their facial structures.

    Once fusion (osseointegration) has taken place and the implant is stable, another short spell of surgery is required to uncover the implant and place the abutment on top. This tiny component holds the dental crown in place and also acts as a shock absorber withstanding the pressures that are applied when eating.

    Once healing has taken place, a custom porcelain crown is cemented onto the abutment to complete the restoration and voila, your smile is transformed. So now you know how dental implants are done, let’s talk about another interesting fact…

    5.You’re never too old to get a dental implant

    Yes, that’s right, there are no age restrictions for dental implants, although the jaw does need to be fully developed. This means that a patient usually needs to be over the age of 17. Provided your mouth is healthy and your oral surgeon considers that you’re sufficiently healthy, then even if you’re in your 90s you can be considered for a dental implant. Even if you have suffered from bone loss, it’s possible for a patient to have a bone graft to replenish the bone supply, enabling them to get a dental implant some months later.

    6.No-one will know

    Here at Doral Dental Studio, we’re happy to answer patient’s concerns about dental implants, particularly whether or not they look natural. Every implant-supported restoration is custom-designed by our experienced cosmetic dentists and carefully crafted in a dental laboratory. Regardless of whether you have a single implant, an implant-retained bridge, or a complete denture, the results look so natural that family and friends will be hard pushed to tell the difference between your natural teeth and your implants when you smile.

    7.Dental implants are good neighbours

    Tooth implants act just like your natural teeth. This means you don’t need to worry about them harming neighbouring teeth. Furthermore, unlike dental bridges, there’s no need for other healthy teeth to be altered in size or shape when your dentist is preparing the area for implants. Filling missing gaps with dental implants also prevents other teeth from moving and makes it easier for you to brush and floss your teeth.

    Are you ready to schedule a consultation?

    Are you ready to smile with confidence, laugh freely, and eat just what you want? If so, dental implants may be just the solution to finally restoring your smile by filling in those unsightly gaps left behind by tooth loss. To learn more about the dental implant procedure and whether you’re a suitable candidate, why not contact Doral Dental Studio and schedule a consultation? You can call us on (305) 882-9260 or book online.

  • 5 Facts You Should Know About Dental Implants

    Read on for five important facts to know about dental implants for anyone who has been considering them.
    Dental implants are virtually as strong as the natural teeth they replace

    Dental implants are the only available tooth-replacement option that closes matches natural teeth in terms of strength and durability. People who have received dental implants experience an ability to bite and chew that is nearly identical to that which they enjoyed with their natural teeth.

    Once a dental implant is placed into a patient’s jawbone, the bone fuses around the implant. It is such an incredibly strong bond that it mimics the natural strength of the tooth root that was lost at the implant site.

    Dental implant surgery is not complicated or dangerous

    Some people may think that because dental implant surgery involves implanting a prosthesis into the bone of the jaw, it is a complicated procedure. However, dental implant surgery is a routine procedure performed by thousands of dentists. Dental implant surgery has a success rate of over 98%. Anyone who is in reasonably good health and has enough jawbone to support a dental implant is a good candidate for the procedure.

    It is quite easy to take care of dental implants

    Though natural teeth are susceptible to cavities and decay, dental implants are not. Because they are made of materials that are not affected in the same way as natural teeth, dental implants cannot form cavities. Once the site of a dental implant has fully healed, normal brushing and flossing are all that is required to care for them.

    Dental implants guard against bone loss

    A natural consequence of tooth loss involves the loss of bone that had been supporting the missing tooth. In the absence of the tooth root, the jawbone resorbs or recedes. As the jawbone changes shape, it also changes the shape of the mouth. The loss of bone can result in the mouth looking sunken or concave, and may also cause wrinkles and fine lines to form around the mouth and chin. Dental implants mimic the shape and strength of natural tooth roots and help to preserve the jawbone, preventing these things from occurring.

    Dental implants provide health benefits

    Dental implants are not just a cosmetic procedure. By restoring a person’s natural ability to bite and chew, dental implants restore the ability to maintain a healthy diet. A study recently found that people who had lost five or more teeth by the time they turned 65 ran a higher risk of diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease (Dentistry Today).

    Do you need dental implants?

    Dental implants can do more than just boost a person’s confidence or give them a bright, beautiful smile. Dental implants can actually help preserve and maintain health and a youthful appearance. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

  • Don’t Forget Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Visit!

    In the rush of the last days of summer, it might be tempting to ignore your child’s summer dental exam, but skipping it could mean detention for your child’s mouth.

    Back-to-school physical? Scheduled. New clothes and shoes? Bought. But don’t forget about your children’s teeth! It may be tempting while you’re squeezing in every last minute of summer fun to skip their summer dental appointment, but it’s every bit as important as a yearly physical. Plus, most schools require a dentist’s signature verifying your child has a clean bill of dental health.

    Scheduling a dental visit before the start of the school year saves time rushing around before or after school, and your child won’t miss any school time. It’s estimated that children miss more than 50 million hours of school each year due to dental visits. Cavities are the most common chronic childhood disease, and early detection is key to simple treatment. By scheduling a dental checkup before school starts, you can beat the rush!

    Here Are Some Tips for A Great Checkup (For You and Your Child)

    Schedule an Appointment First Thing in the Morning or After a Nap – Schedule appointments when your little one is most cooperative and alert. If your child gets cranky when they’re hungry, try an appointment right after breakfast. If your child has a short attention span, try the first appointment in the morning or right after lunch when there’s less chance of the office running behind schedule.

    Keep Your Phobia to Yourself – If you have a dental phobia, try not to let your kids see you sweat. Children are very perceptive, and if they see you cringe the second the instruments come out, they’re going to associate the dentist with being a scary place before they even open their mouths. Smaller children lack the verbal skills to communicate clearly, so they become masters at interpreting visual cues and body language. Try to breathe calmly and avoid language that might scare or intimidate a child. Don’t use the words, shot, drill, or pain or threaten to hold them down if they don’t sit still. Remember that positive experiences as a child are the building blocks for how they will look at the dental visits as they grow up. Keep it light and fun, and they’ll look forward to each visit.

    Let an Older Child Lead by Example: If you’ve booked your children’s appointments back-to-back, let the child with the most dental experience go first so they can be a positive role model for the other child/children. Be sure to bring toys or a tablet and headphones to keep your other child occupied when they aren’t in the dental chair.
    Don’t Forget Their Oral Appliances: If your child has a sports guard, retainer, or sleep apnea appliance, please bring it with you. Growth spurts and loss of baby teeth alter the way these appliances fit, and now is the perfect time to have them re-evaluated.

    Keep the Office Number Handy: Emergencies happen. Make sure to keep your dentist’s number in your phone and remember to take a few business cards with you. Keep one in the car, at work, and tucked in your child’s backpack.

    Get into the Groove: As summer winds down and bedtime routines start to get back into the swing, now is the best time to re-establish good at-home hygiene habits. Brushing before school and before bed for two minutes combined with daily flossing can help your child stay healthy between dental visits.

    The back-to-school rush can get hectic, and it’s tempting to forgo your child’s cleaning and exam, especially if they don’t complain of pain or show any signs of cavities or other dental problems. But a child’s oral health affects their whole body. Making sure they start the school year with a healthy smile can save time out of school and prevent emergencies that are no day at the beach.

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